Fear & Order's debut EP The Decay is a haunting exploration of the loss of faith. The faith of things once loved. The faith of self- worth. This four-track EP holds something for everyone.
The mastermind behind Fear & Order is Mr Oliver Mavilio, aka. Ollie Vile. The Decay is a wonderful example of creating what you love, with a good exploration of DIY. The music, lyrics, photography and release of the EP was all orchestrated by Ollie, with the drums played by Brighton based drummer and teacher, Camille Phillips.
Inspired by New Wave and Post-Punk music, The Decay, is an echo of the voice of late Ian Curtis plummeted into the contemporary age. Facing the truth head-on, The Decay does not skip around poetic lyrics. The words are blunt and clear, as a means to not only explore the loss of faith, but also confront it.
The opening track of The Decay, 'Ruin' is an explosive start to the EP. The lyrics come to terms with the exploration of the loss of faith in the EP, all control has been lost / ruin shoots through my veins. Throughout listening to the EP the lyrics seem to hide and then make themselves known, whether its the seconded time or the twelfth. This is apparent in 'To The Grave', where the lyrics make it quick / come on / take me.
Fear & Order's The Decay is an exciting exploration of the darker side of the sunset. Where the distracting rays of red and yellow are stripped back and the truth reveals itself.